Model Specifications:■The model and armor parts are of a black coloration similar to LORD IMPULSE and BULKARMβ “LUMBERJACK” making it easy to assemble without painting.■The model system can convert between “Formation 1” which emphasizes combat, or “Formation 2,” which emphasizes mobility.■The effect parts for the ICS equipped to the Biting Scissors on the left arm are detachable.■The ICS effect parts are made of clear orange plastic, giving the model a unique and realistic appearance.■The Biting Scissors on the left arm can be opened and closed to create a variety of battle poses.■The secondary “Head Anchor” can be displayed in a variety of configurations.■The roll bars on the skid units on the legs can be opened and closed.■A separately sold Governor unit can be loaded in the model’s cockpit.
Included Items:■Head Anchor Effect Part x1■Wire x1■Biting Scissors ICS Effect Part x1*It is possible to use the biting scissors effect part on either the left or right arm.■Archive Card x1