The quiet village of Ambersham produces prize-winning mead... and hides a deadly secret. For the people of Ambersham are shape-changing monstrosities under the influence of a hideous “queen”, corrupted by a power that is not hers by right, a power stolen from a transcendent entity that even now plots its escape.
BEE-WARE! is an adventure for Lamentations of The Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Roleplaying and other traditional role-playing games. The adventure is packed full of very deadly monsters, and as such is best suited for careful and clever players; those who desire direct combat will need lots of characters, high-level characters, or both.
BEE-WARE! is written by Kelvin Green, who wrote Forgive Us, Fish Fuckers, More Than Meets The Eye, Midvinter, Green Messiah, Terror In The Streets, and Strict Time Records Must Be Kept.